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Application areas of Underground Horizontal Drilling Machine

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-26      Origin: Site

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The Underground Horizontal Drilling Machine (UHDM) is a versatile equipment used for drilling horizontal boreholes underground. It finds applications in various industries and sectors, including oil and gas, utilities, civil engineering, and mining. In this article, we will explore the different applications and areas where UHDM is commonly used.


Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD): UHDM is extensively used for HDD operations in the oil and gas sector. It enables the drilling of horizontal wells for oil and gas extraction without the need for conventional vertical drilling methods. This technique is particularly useful for exploring and exploiting offshore oil and gas reserves.

Pipeline installation and maintenance: The UHDM is used for the installation and maintenance of underground pipelines. It allows for the drilling of precise horizontal bores, allowing companies to lay pipelines for oil and gas transportation without disrupting the surface or existing infrastructure.


Utilities Sector: The UHDM has numerous applications in the utilities sector, including:

Fiber optic cable installation: With the increasing demand for high-speed internet connectivity, the UHDM is used for the installation of fiber optic cables. It enables the drilling of horizontal boreholes, allowing for the efficient and quick installation of cables underground.


Utility line installation: The UHDM is also used for the installation of utility lines, such as water, sewage, and electrical lines. It offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for laying utility lines underground, minimizing disruptions to the surface and existing infrastructure.

Civil Engineering: UHDM is widely used in civil engineering for various applications, such as:

Ducting and piping: The UHDM is used for the installation of ducting and piping systems in construction projects. It allows for the drilling of precise horizontal bores, enabling the installation of ducts and pipes underground without disturbing the surface or existing structures.


Soil and rock sampling: The UHDM is employed for soil and rock sampling in civil engineering projects. It enables engineers to collect samples from underground without the need for extensive excavation, providing valuable data for geotechnical analysis and design purposes.